Sep 25, 2014

Review : The Bath Box Sugar Lip Scrub + Luxurious Lip Balm

 Hello Gorgeous!!!

kiss and love from me, its been a while for me to do review things.. hehehe Today i will reviewing 2 lips products i've been used in a month. This 2 yummy product come from The Bath Box brand. I know this brand from @aischatz who was so kind and willing to send me their The Bath Box best selling product!
 Their best selling product contain 5 product, Luxurious lip balm, vanilalicious sugar lip scrub, arm & leg butter, Goats don't lie bar soap, and Goats don't lie liquid soap.

Sep 24, 2014

Tutorial : Virgo

Hello Gorgeous!!

Lagi" telat buat makeup zodiaknyaa!!
please don't be mad.. i know i was wrong.. huhuhu, uda 7 tutorial yg terinspirasi dari 7 zodiak yg uda kau bikin, yaitu : Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini , cancer, leo.  silahkan di intip" lg, siapa tau uda lupa atau kangen gitu kan liatin yg zodiak lain.. hehehe
so, hari ini kita lanjut dengan Virgo..
Virgo (perawan) adalah suatu rasi bintang dari zodiak. Berada di antara Leo di sebelah barat dan Libra di sebelah timur, rasi ini adalah salah satu dari rasi bintang terbesar di langit. Virgo bisa ditemukan dengan mudah melalui bintang α-nya, Spica.
Dalam Zodiak, individu yang memiliki bintang Virgo, terlahir pada 23 Agustus hingga 22 September, ketika matahari ada pada bintang Virgo.

Tutorial : fresh pink + hair update!!

 Hello Gorgeous!!

 hai haiiii!!! bahagia bgt bisa balik aktif bikin tutorial dan ngeblog!! lebay dikit LOL!!
jadiii, sesuai judul post, hari ini kita main dgn warna pink!! aku kasi intip hasil eye makeup dulu nihh.. hohohoho

gimana?? sreg ga sama eye makeup yg aku buat? klo ia, boleh dong lanjut baca lagi.. hehehe

Sep 22, 2014

Tutorial (EOTD): Chic Smokey or Girly Orchid?

 Hello Gorgeous!!
 uda sebulan nih aku ga bikin tutorial apapun, ga belajar" mainin kuas dan esedo, dan berasa jdi kaku bgt gitu. and anyway, dlm sebulan ini aku sibuk ngurusin rambut.. hahahaha
kmrn pertengahan agustus aku bleach jdi blonde dan seminggu belakangan ini baru aku dye lg jdi warna yg susah di deskripsiin! silvery greenish gituu!! dan tetep krn blom niat makeup full face, jdi blom aku post sama sekali itu new hair! cuma yg ketemu aku aja yg tau gimana warnanya skrg..hahahaha

 back to the topic nih, (buat yg penasaran gimana rambut aku skrg, stay tune! ;p) aku bikin 2 eotd hari ini, 2 pihan menarik untuk 2 pribadi yg beda! yg satu lbh feminim dengan warna yg cerah, dan yg satu lbh chic dgn warna yg kalem. which one you like? stay there!!

Sep 5, 2014

Giveaway : B.liv "off with those heads"

Hello Gorgeous!

As you had read my previous posting Review B.liv "off with those heads", now i’d like to introduce you to the brand.
B.liv was born in 2005 as re-branded name from Cellnique pro-series from Cellnique. the name “b.liv” is not just a contraction of the word “believe”, but also of the words “be” and “live”. B.liv is also about confidence- hence,. This constitutes a life-affirming motto which exhorts consumers to “live for the moment” and seize the day. More than just a skincare brand, b.liv is a vibrant philosophy that both the target market and its creator strongly share. B.liv seeks to inspire the youth of today to believe in themselves; that they can make a difference not only in the care of their skin but also the world they live in. After all, this generation will decide the fate of mankind and the planet we call home. Users of b.liv products can expect results similar from undergoing treatment in professional skin care centre.