Feb 26, 2014

Review : Pasjel Pink - Cherry Tender

 Hello Gorgeous!!

have you ever hear about Pasjel before??Pasjel is being famous in Indonesia lately. Pasjel is skincare line from Thailand. They come in super cute pastel rainbow color. Different color have different function too.. Pasjel have pink (for pimples), purple (for brightening  underarm), blue (for brightening skin) , yellow (for stretch marks) , salmon (day cream), orange (soap) and green (for scrubbing).

As you can see on my photo, i have Pasjel Pink Cherry Tender on my hand!!
 i'm so lucky, i've win PASJEL NDONESIA  Giveaway, and i pick this cherry tender because i've been curious about this since first time i know pasjel, because i have been struggle with this acne in years!!

i took pict of all side of this pasjel box, so you can read everything clearly. there are the ingredient, about pasjel cherry tender, how to use. This pink Pasjel and purple one is came in the smallest  jar compared to other. this pink one just have 10g. so tiny  but with big impact!!
click the photo to read the ingredient and other detail clearly.

Pasjel cherry tender is a night cream that can reduce pimples, freckles and melasma.
by night cream, i assume this cream cant be use under he sunlight. so, we just use this cream once a day. i just need a little amount of pasjel cream for my whole face, because this cream is very moist, it  glide smoothly in my face. pasjel smell so good, if i dont know this is a night cream, i may lick it.. hahaha
left is pict first time i open the jar - right is after 3 weeks i use it + 1 week my brother used too (1 month use for 1 person). i clean the caps, and use that amount from the jar, see the photo for detail. i think it still much, right?? hahaha

and the most important thing from this post!
my before after using pasjel!
here is the result after 3 weeks. noted: on my second to third week, i got my period, so my hormone is unstable and make me have some new pimples.

(sorry for different lighting)
like magic! redness in my face is reduce. even when i have my period. but still need time until my skin clean from that all acne scar, redness and other. I just hope just with this one jar, i can eliminate more than much redness :))
i ever read this 10g pasjel can be use for 6 months, when i read that i think it may possible for 6 months if the acne is just a little. but after i used it for full face for a month, i believe i can stand this for 4-5 months.. haahha i will do update this post after i clear this 1 jar pasjel!
before i forgot, i dont take any other skin care or medicine beside this pasjel along this 3 weeks. so this is really" what pasjel do for my face. i suggest you to DO NOT combine pasjel with doctor treatment or other, because different doctor and cream have different method to help clean our face. when you combine it, it may cause new problem in your skin.

if you interested with this product, you can bought this from PASJEL INSONESIA
IG : @pasjelindonesia
Owner : @jennyfermichiyo
Line : @pasjelindo
CP : 085778053594
BB : 292B40E1

Thats all from me, i hope this review can be helpful
have you tried it?? or you just want to buy it?? ;p
see you soon on my next post!

PS: Design blog ku berubah loooh!!! buat yg buka pakai hp, liat vebsite version!
dan yg bantuin aku buat design adalah beauty blogger kece bernama nila dari http://brown-skinnedgirl.blogspot.com/ . kalian pst uda kenal sama dia, klo belom, sono kenalan dulu, main" ke blognya.. ^^
Thank you so much ya Nila for the help!! i heart you :* :* <3 br="">




  1. Hasilnya oke banget ya, semogaaaa bisa menang giveaway buat cobain Pasjel Pink ini hahaha.
    Bagus banget buat bekas jerawatku ^0^
    Nice share and nice review sai ^_^

    1. amin amin smoga bisa menang ce!!
      ia nh, ampuh hilangin merah2 wlaupun blum bersih tapi mendingan bgt..
      makasiii ce :*

  2. waaa aku suka layout barunya ^^
    kerenn hehe
    hasilnya cetar bgt yaaa *w*

    1. makasiii beb, aku juga suka bgt ini XD
      ia yah, hasinya keliatan di aku :3 untung cocok sama aku

  3. layoutnya keren nih >.<
    pingin nyoba pasjel ini, kayaknya ngehip banget, tapi lagi perawatan dokter jadi ga berani ._.

    1. keren bingiit.. hahaha bikinan nila dong, kece bgt!!
      hua klo lg perawatan bgus jgn de, takutnya ga cocok sama obt dokter nnti makin parah.. :(

  4. Si Pasjel ini lagi ngetrend banget yah kayanya..
    Dan kayanya emang bagus. Going to try it asap :)
    Thanks for the great review!


    1. ia beb.. aku pun bnyk liat iklan pasjel bertebaran. hahhaa
      so far so good sih di aku.. smoga bnr2 bsa brsihin smua jerawat aku
      welcome babyy :*

  5. Bisa masuk wishlist dehhh hehehe


    1. wasiiik wishlist nambah.. hahaha
      aku wishlist produk yg lainnya nh, si mungil ungu yg skrg.. hahaha

  6. hasilnya keren banget yaa.. mupeng dehh >_<
    mahal ya tp worth to try cz bisa tahan smp 4-5 bulan ya ri..
    kecil2 cabr rawit nih si pasjel pink :D


    1. iaa, lmayan lho keliatan perkembangannya. merah2nya brkurang...
      ia nh, smoga bisa tahan 4bln klo bsa sih ampe 6bln. hahhaha
      *mahal bok*

  7. Replies
    1. ia mba, asoi bener dah, smoga aja makin lama pake bisa makin bener muka aku, ilang dr smua jrawat2.. hahaha ;p

  8. ini cuma buat malem aja ya? kalo paginya gmn? aku takut kalo gak apply sunscreen

    1. ia beb malem aja..
      pagi ga pake pasjel pink ini, pake sunscreen yg sprt biasa aja, tapi d usahain jgn pakai krim2 dr dokter..

  9. Wow... makasi review nya.... numpang capture ya buat kasih unjuk temen temen di oman....
    Hasilnya bagus ya.... ketergantungan gak?


    1. sama2 syg... ^^
      ia silahkan di capturee :)
      hasilnya lumayan sih keliatan merah2 ilang, tapi ttp butuh waktu yg cukup lama.
      aku skrg lg masa ngabisin si pasjel ini, ntar aku update lg ya...
      nnti aku update juga bbrp minggu stlah pemakaian bikin ketergantungan ato ga.
      thank you ^^

  10. Hai sistaa.. aku pake pasjel pink jugaa.. bener2 bagus kok 1 minggu pake jerawat ga muncul2 lagii.. untuk bekas jerawat emang agak lama sihh akitar 2 mingguan.. tapi ga nyesel pakenya heheh
    Pasjel juga no steroid ata mercury jadi muka kita ga akan iritasi hampir semua temen2 ku pake pasjel pink jugaa

    Dan kebtulan aq jual jugaa.. oriii 100000000 persen dijamin harga yg aq jual untuk pink cuma 190rb aja ^^ dan ni no fake

    Yg berminat bisa hub aq
    Line : noviaphidud
    Pin : 21813a35

  11. hallo dear, itu pasjelnya bikin muka pinkiesh ya? bisa mencerahkan engga ya? makasih 😊

    1. Halloo, mnurut aku sih tdk bikin pinkiesh atau mencerahkan dear.. Hanya memudarkan bekas jerawat aja.. :)
