May 21, 2014

Tutorial : Taurus

Hello Gorgeous!!

sorry for late update.. uda lewat sehari dari tanggal yg bersangkutan dgn zodiak Taurus, i'm so sorry i cant make it ontime.. entah kenapa aku makin hari makin sibuk, ga sempet buat makeup ataupun posting. huhuhu
tapi kan yah tetep lbh baik telat daripada ga aku lanjutin ini 12 zodiac makeup ala aku.. ia kan??
so, etelah Aquarius Pisces , dan   Aries uda kita telusuri bersama, today we are with Taurus!
first, lets go search any info for this taurus..,d.c2E&psig=AFQjCNEEbiw54e9r6gCnNaTzYwkVvIquWQ&ust=1400775869672611

May 18, 2014

Tutorial : Gyaru ala Riri

Hello Gorgeous!!
aku uda lama bgt ga bikin tutorial, huhuh maafkan aku, yg menghilang dr peredaran. krn pada dasarnya aku yg orgnya sll kurang eksis, jadi ya bgtu lah.. hahaha
anybody miss me?? ga ada? oh, fine *sambil ngambek* hahahaha
okay, back to this post, Karena bulan ini IBB MUC berbau jepang", aku juga ga mau ketinggalan dong yah dandan ala jepang.. hihihi dan kali ini aku nyobain dandanan ala gyaru yg imut" ituu >.<
what do you think?? cocok kah aku dgn style gyaru?? hehehe
setau aku, Gyaru dijepang ada 2 jenisnya, utk lbh jelas kalian bisa browsing", krn aku takut salahh ngomong. hhehehe

May 8, 2014

Review ; E.L.F Essential Blush & Bronzer Set

Hello Gorgeous!!

How important bronzer and blush
 for you?? for me, i needed them!
because without bronzer and blush, my  face will look flat, no shape. As you know, my face isn't in perfect shape. my cheeks bone low, i need bronzer to give me high cheeks illusion, and blush of course to give me fresh blushing cheeks.. :D
And now, i want to share a bronzer & blush kit from ELF called e.l.f. Essential Blush & Bronzer Set , let see is this good and worth your money or not.
and also i got this from Cosmekita,com launch party for review purpose. if you havent know what is cosmekita, you can read my post about cosmekita launch party here.

Review : Tony Moly Luminous Baby Aura CC Beam

Hello Gorgeous!!

review again! what a busy week..
anyway, have you heard about Tony Moly Luminous Baby Aura CC Beam? for me, it my first.. so, seriously thanks to for giving this on my goodie bag!! before i just know about tony moly aura cc cream, and now i know they have cc beam and i dont have any idea what it was. let's find out together, shall we?

May 6, 2014

review : Bathe - Pickmeup No. 5 pefume

Hello Gorgeous!

yaaay review time! do you know what was that?? something with spray head.. hihiihi it's a perfume! This one named "Pickmeup no.5"  with 10 ml / 0.3 oz size.
I got this from Cosmekita event. Cosmekita give us all a goodiebag full of products for review purpose, and that review will be up on their website as a guide for you to get know the product better. so lets get knowing this perfume together.

May 4, 2014

Event : Cosmekita Launching Party

 Hello Gorgeous!

Aku seneng bgt bisa hadir di Cosmekita launching party bareng para beauty blogger, media partner, dan juga brand(vendor) lainnya. sakin banyaknya blogger yg hadir, aku ampe bingung sendiri.. hehehe (maap yah tmn" blogger yg aku liat tapi ga ngenalin, ataupun ga sapa, secara aku orgnya paling pelupa, klo ga sering ketemu dan jarang ngobrol, aku susah ngenalinnya.) aku rasa ini event yg ngundang paling bnyk blogger yg prnah aku datangi.
itu tu, foto sebelah kiri adl undangan hardcover dari cosmekita launching party. lucu bgt, bentuknya ssprt box makeup versi mini! super kawaiii
dan foto sebelah kanan, itu selfie aku dong, dgn goodiebag yg diberi bareng invitationnya.

May 2, 2014

My day with MINT Korean Spa and Salon

 Hello Gorgeous!!

 foto apa itu di ats?? ada yg tau?? ada yg prna liat??
klo kalian baca, itu ada tulisan Mint Spa and Salon.
 yup yup, its Spa and salon girls!!! pastinya surga untuk para wanita yg doyan memanjakan diri.. hehehe