Hello Gorgeous!!
Apa kbr semuaaah??
bai dong yah, msh awal tahun gini.. hihihi
hari ini aku mau review KARA eyelashes no.108. tau ga produk ini bisa dibeli dmn?? yuup! di Japan softlens :)
jadi ceritanya ini aku tba" dpt sms resi pengiriman gitu dr pihak japan softlens pdhl aku ga order apa"! syok dong yah, aku pikir salah krm atau begimana.. trus stlah aku konfirmasi ke ci Yulia yg punya Japan softlens ini, katanya itu bnr kiriman brg buat aku, dia kirimin softlens dan bulumata KARA ini... review softlensnya menyusul yaah :3

Apa kbr semuaaah??
bai dong yah, msh awal tahun gini.. hihihi
hari ini aku mau review KARA eyelashes no.108. tau ga produk ini bisa dibeli dmn?? yuup! di Japan softlens :)
jadi ceritanya ini aku tba" dpt sms resi pengiriman gitu dr pihak japan softlens pdhl aku ga order apa"! syok dong yah, aku pikir salah krm atau begimana.. trus stlah aku konfirmasi ke ci Yulia yg punya Japan softlens ini, katanya itu bnr kiriman brg buat aku, dia kirimin softlens dan bulumata KARA ini... review softlensnya menyusul yaah :3
so, this is KARA Eyelashes box.. in 1 box, we will get 2 pairs lashes + lashes glue + lashes vitamin.

and here is the lashes detail..
this lashes have super long lengths and far separate positition on each hair.
they use invisible band for this lashes. by invisible i mean transparent and slim band, so easy to bent

and here is my eyes before and after using KARA Lashes

see, that long lenghts looks so tapering ;) so beautiful long lashes effect..
and this is the glue and the vitamin..
the glue come in white color and after few second, when it dry, it will be transparant..
this glue have great quality of glue.. quick dry and strong enough to make your lashes stay in place :)
and the vitamin come in cute little mascara wand, transparant color.. this vitamin will helps your lashes be stronger and longer and thicker.. what an amazing product!

look my eyes before using this KARA lashes.. so flat and boring..

but when i use lashes, my eyes be more flirting and beautiful.. so, lashes is important for your eyes! hahaha

so, lets recap this..
(+) cute packaging
(+) easy to bent
(+) invisible band
(+) light, not make our eyes feels heavy which most of people feels so they hate using lashes..
(+) free glue and vitamin!!
(-) hard to store back,because after you broke the packaging, you need another box to keep it..
for the price, now on promo IDR 168

This lashes have another variant that you can bought at JAPAN Softlens --> owner "Yulia"
please go to their website or you can just contact Yulia in all this media below
081 - 807 - 909033
Line @ YuliaLusiana
Instagram @JapanSoftlens
Twitter @JapanSoftlens
facebook japansoftlens

Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡
and here is the lashes detail..
this lashes have super long lengths and far separate positition on each hair.
they use invisible band for this lashes. by invisible i mean transparent and slim band, so easy to bent
and here is my eyes before and after using KARA Lashes

see, that long lenghts looks so tapering ;) so beautiful long lashes effect..
and this is the glue and the vitamin..
the glue come in white color and after few second, when it dry, it will be transparant..
this glue have great quality of glue.. quick dry and strong enough to make your lashes stay in place :)
and the vitamin come in cute little mascara wand, transparant color.. this vitamin will helps your lashes be stronger and longer and thicker.. what an amazing product!

look my eyes before using this KARA lashes.. so flat and boring..
but when i use lashes, my eyes be more flirting and beautiful.. so, lashes is important for your eyes! hahaha
so, lets recap this..
(+) cute packaging
(+) easy to bent
(+) invisible band
(+) light, not make our eyes feels heavy which most of people feels so they hate using lashes..
(+) free glue and vitamin!!
(-) hard to store back,because after you broke the packaging, you need another box to keep it..
for the price, now on promo IDR 168

This lashes have another variant that you can bought at JAPAN Softlens --> owner "Yulia"
please go to their website or you can just contact Yulia in all this media below

Line @ YuliaLusiana
Instagram @JapanSoftlens
Twitter @JapanSoftlens
facebook japansoftlens
Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡
thats all from me, hope i can help you to know this KARA eyelashes better..
Ya ampun sukaa banget dgn hasil pas dipake nya nid bulumata.. natural abis ya..
Deleteiaa kak... awalnya aku pikir bkl panjang bgt pas prtama liat, eh trnyata pas lentik...